Photo of Francisco Jimenez Dominican Republic

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My name is Francisco Jimenez, was born in Sto Dgo in the DN on 8 February 1981, child dede always liked me to art and everything that has to do with it, I remember in school when you had some pictures Always Asher I was quienlo to for many were great, but I always knew that Great is what the Lord has me. one of my first works he sold to a person, who always...

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See everything we offer you!
53.54 x 12.99 in
11.81 x 9.45 in
11.81 x 9.45 in
9.45 x 7.87 in
9.45 x 7.87 in
20.08 x 20.08 in
11.81 x 9.45 in
22.05 x 23.62 in
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Photo of Francisco Jimenez Dominican Republic

My name is Francisco Jimenez, was born in Sto Dgo in the DN on 8 February 1981, child dede always liked me to art and everything that has to do with it, I remember in school when you had some pictures Always Asher I was quienlo to for many were great, but I always knew that Great is what the Lord has me. one of my first works he sold to a person, who always supports me and will thus not in the lake was good but she was much too for my heda,

W ork also remind you that grabbing street signs and local Painting and how good my talent Aprendy to Perfeconar First Time When Law Drawing a book that is titled as Painting in Watercolor. Tube reading the book but Podeia not understand some things and a painter of Fine Arts and Culture Call Demetrio What I said was the secret of art. and realized that the Talesto Desaroyo was also born But then everything changed.

Asta's Day today. But not only that God also gave me something else.

The Talentode Writing, Songs and Poems, but the most beautiful is the gift of the gift of Song Odoracion .. and now also by Mr. tego my Producion Hip-hop. Christian and call me


New Roman, font-size: small; "> Thank you and God blesses you, Amen.

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